classwork and honduras

So, I’m super excited today. I got new batteries and charger for my camera and … I finished up my classwork. If everything goes as planned, I will be getting my degree this spring. I have to write some letters and say pretty please to the important people at PUC and hopefully they say, “Good job.”

Another reason is that I’m leaving for Honduras Wednesday night. We are leaving from up here Wednesday evening and then flying out of San Francisco at 12 somthin’ in the morning. This is the first time I’ve ever flown internationally, so, really the first time through foreign customs. I’ll be down there for 10 days.

Oh, I have to grow my beard out, too. Made a bet with a guy that if I would grow it out, he would shave his. Now he hasn’t shaved his since his 20s and his wife has never seen him clean-shaven. So, even though I’m not real thrilled at the prospect, I’m taking one for the team. I wonder if I’ll look just like my dad…

Well that’s it for now. It’s been an awesome day. I got new stuff. Going on a trip. And God’s taken care of my finances, which I knew he would, but, argh!, its so hard to let go.


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2 Responses to classwork and honduras

  1. Ivette01 says:

    yay! 🙂 new batteries sound great; finishing your degree this spring sounds even better and the trip to honduras, wow! I hope you have a great time 🙂

    I want pictures of you when your beard has grown 😛

    Oh, and I’m really glad about the finances 🙂

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