live or obey

I just wanted to jot down a question and my thoughts on it real fast.

“How much importance should we place on being obedient to the Ten Commandments in this day and age?”

I feel that this question is misleading in where it tries to lead us into thinking. It at least drives me to start worrying about each one as a checklist. It’s like learning to drive. At first you are constantly aware of all the things you shouldn’t do, or at least try to. But once you get beyond that, its not about obeying the law constantly, its about driving safely and looking to the law to help you figure out what to do in certain situations that aren’t common. I think a walk with Christ should be the same. We need to stick with it and get past the point where we are worrying about our obedience to the Law and just living safely in Jesus.

OK, gotta get to work. Just wanted to jot that down and see what people think.

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2 Responses to live or obey

  1. Leo, I think you may have hit the proverbial nail on the head! Because once we have that relationship with Christ the law becomes something that we no longer fear, instead it becomes, as Paul says, written on our hearts. We are then freed from the law because we live under grace.

  2. trina says:

    yesterday – at wwc. they preached. not exactly on this. but mentioned something that i can pertain to this subject. err.

    their was a verse in romans about the gentiles. how they were not given the law to follow. but some followed. naturally. because they had good in their hearts. and the law was written on their hearts.

    i don’t ever think that Christ meant for laws to feel like restrictions – like a list of things you couldn’t do. i would say that i believe the commandments are like guidelines (err. i think there is a better way of putting that, but i can’t think of it). but more, that Jesus is stating that a righteous person would act accordingly…. to this sort of nature. not so much that you broke rule number 6 or whatnot.

    anyways. that was a really lousy explanation. i miss you leo. i never got to say goodbye!


    i did meet your ex-roomate from your first year at UCA just yesterday — he says he misses you. as do i.

    also. my dad told me that chandra read something i wrote to you on myspace about playing games at my house and she was jealous. i have this horrible urge to play dutch blitz. right now. can we play?

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