been too long

So … it’s been a long time since I posted anything. I’ve been on the road a lot and gone whole weekends without full net access. Since my last post I have gotten a Blackberry 8703e phone which has enabled me to keep in touch with some via IM, but other than that, I’ve done very little interacting with the web. I’ve been really busy and away from home for almost a month now. Hmm … not sure if I can say that since I don’t even have a permanent residence at all. Just a warning, this post is going to be very stream of thought and most likely very random. Back to living quarters for now. I was living in my boss’s travel trailer since January. It was supposed to be shorter, but I’ve been holding out for a mobile home that is getting renovated right next door to where I work–when at home. (I just had to use the “–“, em dash, since I recently researched the proper usage. link
) Well, we started an installation job in Yountville, CA (that’s in the Napa valley) three weeks ago and … my temporary house got moved. My boss and I shared it for the first few weeks, but his family has joined him and I got the boot. Okay, that’s sounds harsher than it is. I knew from before we even started this job that I might be staying with some of the local church family. So now I’m staying with some of my boss’s friends. They are a wonderful family that have a very fast internet connection. Fine … fast downloads aside, I’ve enjoyedamazing food and hanging out with them has been fun. Back to lack of housing. The renovations on the place have been going on for well over a month and I’ve seen some of the improvements. I haven’t been back for a week and a half though. During the project in Yountville, I’ve visited my grandparents in Placerville twice and stayed with a very generous family back in Oakhurst once. So basically, I’m living out of my car since I don’t actually have a place to live. However, this doesn’t bother me. I’m not sure what the deal is. I should feel terribly awkward or something, but to me its just a fact of life. What would I do with a house? For the next 2-3 months I will be on the road 95% of the time, so what would be the point to paying rent? Might as well just stick with the storage unit. The time I do feel it is when I actually visit Oakhurst. I feel like I should have a place since I’m “home”. In some ways it makes me just want to avoid going there. It will be inevitable in 3 weeks when I have to go back to get some work done, but other than that, I’ve got plans any way. So, that’s the way it is right now.

Time for a new paragraph. I think I’ll describe a little about what I’ve been doing and what my job actually is right now. I’m helping install the new sound system in a church. This sounds a lot easier than it actually is. Its surprising how most tasks take longer than you would expect. I should already understand this from being a programmer, but I didn’t realize how much this translates into most kinds of projects. The first short week on the job we explored the options available for how to proceed with the installation. We also cut a few holes in ceilings and walls, good times! The next week found me mostly in the 2ft crawlspace pulling conduit in. Once in, then I had to get it mounted up and finishing touches on a corner done. That sounds like it should go fast, but it didn’t. For one, the first day I constantly fought claustrophobia, even though I don’t normally don’t get it. Here’s why: 1) I was in a small space that seemed even smaller because I had to make sure I didn’t step on the ceiling and go through. 2) I had to wear full coverage because of the insulation and it was warm already. 3) All I had for light was the headlamp. 4) I had to wear a breathing mask because of all the dust. Total) Small space, completely covered including nose and mouth, little light, and heat. I’m glad I had fire training, because that taught me how to fight panic and get past it. After the first day, I didn’t have to actively fight it, but I did have to make sure I didn’t overheat. This meant resting and not moving too fast. And that is why putting conduit in the roof was not just a one or two day job. While resting/waiting for conduit to be attached I enjoyed having my new Blackberry. Surfing the web and chatting is very relaxing. And yes, I was good. I didn’t rest more than I should have so that I could do those things. At any rate, week 3 was kinda short and involved installing the stage boxes–the in floor boxes that have the mic connections, etc. We also installed most of the conduit to those boxes. That brings us to this week. We’ve been finishing the conduits under the stage. And that’s the work story.

This post has now become too long and I should sleep. Although, I still wish I didn’t have too sleep. Its dreadfully inconvenient when you have to work all day. There’s not enough time to play in the evenings and still get a good night’s sleep. For those that have actually read the whole post, I feel sorry for you. I really do. I’ve tried to be as interesting as possible, but really, it’s a long post about a lot of stuff.

I also want to say sorry to my friends that I’ve been neglecting by not reading their blogs. I basically didn’t want to read them when I didn’t have time to comment. I’ve caught up on all of them tonight, but only commented on one (feel lucky(or cursed(or other)) kit). (I just got this sudden urge for crazy parenthesis nesting.) I will try to keep up now and you should be hearing more from me.

My plans for the next few weekends are to stay in Napa valley, visit grandparents and visit Oakhurst, in that order. Now that I’ve committed them by posting, they will probably change, but that is the plan for now.


p.s. that seems like an abrupt ending, but everything else seems cheesy right now

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3 Responses to been too long

  1. ashley says:

    ha! no need to apologize. you know i love to read and more importantly, i love to find out more about my friends. and the bext way to find out who someone truly is, you have to read their random blogs. i love reading everything you write. not a bore at all. im sorry that you bore yourself. anywhooo, yeah i have missed talking to you and i admit; at one point in time i felt that i was being ignnored, but like we discussed before…. that’s just me being insecure. i hope your life calms down a bit and becomes a little less insane. and for goodness sake man; get some sleep! 😉

  2. nette says:

    well, i guess if that’s long and boring, i’m glad i NEVER blog, because that’s how mine would always be. i think i might enjoy living out of my car as long as i had a place to take showers and stuff always. maybe i wouldn’t, since i’ve never done it for more than a week before, but right now it sounds …even nice. maybe because i’m tired of people demands and living in a car sounds like i’d be really hard to get a hold of, lol. i’ve also never experienced claustrophobia before…i’m wondering if that’s even a possibility for me, and so that made this entry interesting for me 2. don’t think i would like the heat, though. anyways, i’ll be interested in hearing when you finally get your mobile home.

  3. Rachelle says:

    Well you sure have a lot on your plate, and knowing that your new home is in renovation is a very good thing too. As for a busy schedule … Well we will all have one(or one that will become even busier) in the near future as camp meeting draws yet closer. We out here in Oakhurst\Mariposa do miss you. When you come “home” remember that for the time you’re here to relax as much as possible before hitting the road again. As for long and boring … Never!!!! You always have great things to say… even if they are all jumbled into a few very long unorganized paragraphs, which is very unlike you … but more like the new sleep deprived Leo…!!! Well have fun in what ever your next work adventure is!

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